Actually Additions Advanced Machines Advanced Solar Panels Angel Ring To Bauble
Applied Energistics 2 ArchitectureCraft Aroma1997Core
Aroma1997s Dimensional World AromaBackup B.A.S.E Backpacks Backport
Baconators Baubles Baubles Stuff BdLib Better Builder’s Wands BiblioCraft
Biomes O’ Plenty Blood Arsenal Blood Magic Bloodmoon Bookshelf
Booster Rockets Botania Brandon’s Core Builder’s Guides Chameleon
Chest Transporter Chickens Chisel Chisels & Bits Clumps CMD Files
CodeChicken Core 1.8+ CodeChicken Lib 1.8+ CoFH Core Compact Solars
CompatLayer ConnectedTexturesMod Cooking for Blockheads Corail Pillar
CoralReef Crafting Tweaks CraftTweaker Custom Music Discs CXLibrary
D3Core Dark Utilities DecoCraft2 Draconic Evolution EIORecipesTEInductionSmelter
Ender Compass Ender IO Ender Storage 1.8+ Ender Zoo EnderBags EnderCore
Ex Nihilo Adscensio Extra Bit Manipulation Extra Utilities ExtraBlocks
Extreme Reactors FTB Lib FTB Utilities Flat Colored Blocks Foam Fix
Flux Networks Forestry Forge Endertech Forge MultiPart CBE Glass Shards
GravelMiner GraveStone Mod Guide-API Hatchery Hwyla iChunUtil
Immersive Engineering Immersive Petroleum Industrial Craft Industrial Wires
InfinityLib Initial Inventory Inventory Tweaks Iron Chests Item Blacklist IvToolKit
jglrxavpok’s Uncrafting Table JourneyMap Json Loot Bags Just Enough Items (JEI)
Just Enough Resources (JER) Karat Garden Login Shield Mantle McjtyLib
MCMultiPart Mekanism Mekanism Generators Mekanism Tools Mike Dongles
Minefactory Reloaded MMD OreSpawn Moar Tinkers Moar Signs
Mob Dismemberment Mob Grinding Utils Moo Fluids More Bees More Chickens
More Furnaces More Overlays More Shears Morpheous MrTJPCore MTLib
Mystical Agradditions Mystical Agriculture Mystical Agriculture – MFR Compatible
Natura Not Enough Items 1.8+ OpenBlocks Elevator p455wOrd’s Library
Pam’s Cookables – Pam’s Harvestcraft Pam’s HarvestCraft Pam’s Simple Recipes
Persistent Bits Practical Logistics 2 Prefab Project Red – Base
Project Red – Fabrication Project Red – Intergration Project Red – Mechanical
QuantumFlux Quick Leaf Decay RadixCore Rainbow Oak Trees
Real Filing Cabinet Recurrent Complex Redstone Arsenal Redstone Paste
Refined Storage RFTools RFTools Control RFTools Dimensions
Roguelike Dungeons ShetiPhianCore Signport Simple Covers SimpleLabels
Simply Conveyors & More Simply jetpacks 2 Sonar Core Steve’s Carts Reborn
Steve’s Factory Manager Reborn Storage Drawers Storage Drawers Extras
The One Probe Thermal Dynamics Thermal Expansion Thermal Foundation
Thermal Smeltery Thermal Solars Tick Dynamic Tinker I/O Tinkers Construct
Tinkers’ Addons TorchMaster Twerk Sim 2K16 UniDict Uranium Big Reactor
ValkyrieLib Vending block Waila Harvestability WAILA Plugins WAILA-features
WanionLib Waystones Wireless Crafting Grid Wireless Crafting Terminal Woot
WorldEdit ZeroCore
A survival world where you immerse yourself with gathering resources and make your own house, farm, buildings, or perhaps an entire community.
An RPG/PVP world where heroes and sidekicks coexist with one another. Starting your journey off as a sidekick, you’ll attend the academy and earn the many custom enchantments that can be used in this world. Experience is also gained through many quests and challenges.
A Creative world with every biome within a 2000 block radius. Worldedit provided for your use.
Strictly a mining world set in the beautiful extreme hills . Mining pit does get reset.
A survival world of the fittest. Where you start up in the sky on a very very small island and turn it into your dreams while completing challenges along the way.
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