November 2022 News
The server is now running 1.19.2
New Voting points shops
With our vote points we can now purchase claim blocks, experience, reuseable and single use eggs, loot keys, and event boosters.
Event boosters allow us to run 4 hour events for everyone online with 2x experience events, McMMO events, and Jobs xp and money events.
Purchase in /voteshop and run 2x events with /boosters.
Active events are listed in the tablist.
All jobs have been adjusted and now pay out a ton more money, xp, and points.
Jobs shop
Jobs shop is updated and closely resembles the vote shop. A good way to spend your job points. /jobs shop
Christmas village is now open
There are hidden chests with loot to be found. An advent calendar. Beautiful scenery to explore.
There is 1 month left to move your build over to the new map. Please make sure to log on and staff will help move using WorldEdit. All of your chest contents and entities will also move over.
Auction house
We now have another good way to make money besides player shops. We can list our stuff or services for sale in /ah. You can run an auction or list an item for 30 days.
JulianGM13 won the Brass Knuckles. A custom netherite axe with Sharpness VI, Efficiency VI and Mending.
Top Voters of the month
Flibber came in first. Then dragontamer followed by SouperTiger. Thank you.
April 2022 News
Cam – Ruby Crate Key Package. Thank you for supporting our server.
Server News
- New Spawn with portals, enchantment area, crate keys, player shops, and questors.
- We will be updating to 1.18.2 as soon as all of our plugins are updated.
- New Mining worlds with new seeds.
- New Build Competition plots in a new creative world.
Creative Build Plots
The world we have been using since 2016 will be removed at the end of the year. We now have a new 1.18 world. If you would like to keep your build, find a spot on the new 1.18 overworld and staff will help you get settled in.
After 3 months of no active activity on the server McMMO levels will be reset. Some players who are no longer active have amassed what feels like to some players as unattainable levels all the while trying to be the top.
New Features
- New Crate Keys
- Auction House
Easter Island event the weekend of the 17th of April.
Build Competition
- New build competition plots. 55 x 55 x skylimit
- April 12 – 19
- Theme is Deepslate
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 22th of April. Place your signed book and quill vote in the chest next to the portal at spawn.
Player Build of the Month March Player Build of the Month
Congratulations Cam! You have won a bragging rights status at spawn, a video of your build posted on YouTube, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a server warp to your build so players can view it.
Top Voters of the month
SouperTiger. Thank you for making it such a priority. Thank you to all that voted this month.
September 2021 News
TurboWray – Diamond Rank
jenasaykwa – Rockhound Rank
Nobody and Brady both with generous selfless donations
Your donations are so appreciated by all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Server News
Please congratulate Gizzy on moving up to Senior Moderator. We love our Gizzy.
The deep storage units now have the ability to automatically sort your items. You need to craft a sorter and make link modules which you can assign to DSU’s by right clicking the DSU you want your items to be sorted to. You can have many link modules. Place them in the bottom half of the sorter. Place the items you want sorted/wireless transmitted to your DSU’s in the top half. Here is the link to the wiki page on how to craft.
Mighty – 1 Spawner relocation service, 5k claim blocks, 1 reusable egg, and 15k Box dollars, Looting V diamond sword went to a new player, and MrT1melord scored a spawner, two 1M storage containers, and $10k.
Build Competition
Flame won first place, Jenny second, and Timer third with “Hobbit Hole” as the theme. Congratulations!
Flame – 1st place
Jenny – 2nd place
Timer – 3rd place
Player Build of the Month May Player Build of the Month
Congratulations ElectricBowx. Your mushroom area is delightful.
Top Voters of the month
Yet again, Timer and Mightybatler tied in first place. IronManRyan in second and Gizzy in third. Mighty and Timer for the sixth month in a row. You both won $21,000 box dollars, IronManRyan $7500 and bragging rights statue at spawn. Thank you so much for voting so others players have an opportunity to check out the Box!
Top McMMO level for the month
Timer and Mighty! Congratulations yet again! You have won $15,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
August 2021 News
Server News
We are now on 1.17.1 Enjoy all the new blocks in the mining resource world. Including lush caves.
When 1.18 comes out we will move our current world to another dimension just like the mining resource worlds and generate a new seed for the main overworld.
We have a new warp system. /warp
We now have player warps. /pwarps. Here is the link to configure. PlayerWarps
Coming soon
Bed Wars and horse races.
Additional Homesets added
Players can now purchase homeset packages. There are 4 packages. 2,5,10, and 15. Each homeset cost is $20k. To purchase use /help select homes then purchase homesets. It will tell you how many homesets you currently have
and how much to purchase.
Build Competition
Timer won first place and Nich second with “Guess the Disney Movie”. Excellent builds!!!
Build Comp 21st of August – the 28th. Theme is “Hobbit Hole”
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 28th of June. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
Player Build of the Month May Player Build of the Month
Congratulations dragontamer1990! Well done. You have won a statue at spawn, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a warp this month to your build so players can view.
MrT1melord and Gizzy won the Box of Rocks Birthday Shulker box full of tons of great prizes!
dragontamer won 1M Storage cell, 3k claim blocks, and 2 reuseable safarinet eggs
Hebgbs won Spawner, Two 1M Storage Containers, and $10k
Top Voters of the month
Timer and Mightybatler and IronManRyan all tied. Mighty and Timer for a fifth month in a row. You both won $18,000 box dollars, IronManRyan $6000 and bragging rights statue at spawn. Thank you so much for voting so others players have an opportunity to check out the Box!
Top McMMO level for the month
Timer and Mighty! Congratulations yet again! You have won $12,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
June 2021 News
Happy Birthday Box of Rocks. Sunday the 20th will be a day of celebration with all kinds of activities and rewards.
Diamond donator – Mighty for IronManRyan
Selfless donation – Brady
Thank you so much for supporting the server!
It will be approximately 2 months for all of our plugins to be updated before going to 1.17
Box Updates
New Events
We now have supply drops around the map. Triggered by an alert in chat.
There is new fishing competition that runs several times a day.
Tuesday have always been filled with Trivia. Now we have Phantoms too.
Coming soon – Horse races. Start finding good runners and jumpers.
New Plugin – Important
We have switched to a new deep storage system. If you are familiar and enjoy with Applied Energetics than you will love the new DSU system. There is an in-game tutorial in /warp – tutorials and a wiki page here: Deep Storage Units
Make sure to move all your current deep storage units over to the new deep storage units no later than the 31st of July! That plugin will be removed the first of August!
Congratulations Nich – Beacon and enough iron ore to make it fully charged and a spawner.
Congratulations Electricbowx – Fortune 4 Netherite pickaxe, 3k claim blocks, and a 1M storage container.
Congratulations Mighty – 1M storage container, 3k claim blocks, and spawner.
Build competition
The theme this month is “Guess the Disney movie”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot.
Competition will start the 19th of June at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 26th of June at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 28th of June. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
Player Build of the Month May Player Build of the Month
Player Build winner this month is LegitKookie! Congratulations!
May 2021 News
Please welcome Bonjoben to the team as our Activities Director. Bonjoben would like any suggestions you have dropped off at the Activities Director building located at spawn.
On the Box
Players can now purchase homeset packages. There are 4 packages. 2,5,10, and 15. Each homeset cost is $20k. To purchase use /help select homes, select purchase homesets. It will tell you how many homesets you currently have and how much to purchase each package.
These homesets are not additional but total. For example if you are a Lapis Rank which has 4 homesets, you can purchase the 5 total package for $20k for a total of 5.
How much is my stuff worth?
You can use the command /worth. This will help in setting up shops to have a sense of what to price things. If you stick close to these figures it will prove to help keep a balanced economy.
Many items, mostly nether items are still being added and should be completed soon.
Since MC-Index has been down for such a long time it has now been replaced with minelist.
Teleport to shops using /shop and click on the item you want to buy to be teleported to that sell chest.
You may have heard 1.17 will now be released in two parts. One in the summer and the other half in December. Until more is known we will just have to go with the flow in regards to updating the server.
Remember when updates come out it takes approximately 2 months for all of our plugins to be updated too.
Congratulations GayRightsChiaki Spawner and reusable egg.
Congratulations Julian Fortune 4 Netherite pickaxe, 10k claim blocks, and a deep storage chest.
Congratulations fivealive Rare and Unavailable Bow with mending AND infinity. Also 5k claim blocks.
Build competition
And the winners for March 2021 are:
First Place – Nich
Second Place – Minigiz
Third Place – Gizzy
Build competitions will be held every other month. If everyone wants them monthly we can go back to that.
Player Build of the Month April Player Build of the Month
Player Build winner this month is Timer! Congratulations!
Remember Player build of the month is not a competition. Staff goes around every month and chooses a player build to feature.
If you don’t win one month just be patient, you will be featured at some point. Just keep beautifying your build in the mean time.
Top Voter of the month
Timer and Mightybatler and IronManRyan all tied. Mighty and Timer for a third month. You both won $12,000 box dollars, IronManRyan $3000 and bragging rights statue at spawn. Thank you so much for voting so others players have an opportunity to check out the Box!
Top McMMO level for the month
Timer! Congratulations yet again! You have won $6,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
April 2021 News
Timer2002 – Diamond Rank. Thank you for supporting the server!
Box Updates
Please welcome Gizzy to the team as our newest Moderator and Baldi as the newest Admin.
The server is now on version 1.16.5. It you use Optifine use the link here and make sure to select preview versions.
The nightvision command has changed. It is now /nvon to turn it on and /nvoff to turn it off.
As of 4-7-21 /nv toggles on and off night vision.
Trivia now has a new gamemode – Hangman
Easter Event
Saturday and Sunday the 3rd and 4th of April will be a special Easter egg hunt with lots of goodies!!! Use /warp and select Easter Island.
Just a reminder that when 1.17 comes out it will take approximately 2 months for all of our plugins to be updated. That is based on all previous updates taking about that long for everyone to get all the plugins up to date and work out bugs.
The server will continue to keep the current map we’ve all been playing on. In addition we will add a newly generated 1.17 map. You can simply /warp to what world you’d like to play on or use your /home command. This solves any issue of having to copy players builds onto a new map as we are keeping the current map as is.
Player build of the month
This months winner is Leiath! March 2021 Player build of the month
Remember Player build of the month is not a competition. Staff goes around every month and chooses a player build to feature. If you don’t win one month just be patient, you will at some point. Just keep beautifying your build in the mean time.
Build competition
The theme this month is “Hell”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot.
Competition will start the 10th of April at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 17th of April at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 19th of April. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
Winner winner chicken dinner
Top Voter of the month
AGAIN, Timer and Mightybatler tied neck and neck for a third month. You each won $9,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn. Thank you so much for making it a priority to vote!
Top McMMO level for the month
Timer! Congratulations yet again! You have won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Congratulations Trix Shulker box containing full music disc collection, Infinity and Mending bow, 10k Claim blocks, and 10k box dollars.
Congratulations FlibberDiGibbit Spawner and reusable egg.
February 2021 News
babiegroot – GoldDigger
Gizzy, Toto, BradEnder1, and MrWarlockFTW – Rockhound
mightybatler – Diamond
Nobody – Selfless donation
Thank you everyone for supporting the server!
Donator Island
Player Build of the Month
Player Build winner this month is Flame December 2020 Player Build of the month
Build competition
And the winners are:
First Place – Baldonius
Second Place – Flame
Third Place – DragonTamer
The theme this month is “Sky Islands”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot.
Competition will start the 20th of February at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 27th of February at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. That means YOU! Regardless if you participated. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 1st of March. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
- Congratulations Alex 10k Claim blocks, Reusable SafariNet egg, 2 Deep Storage Units and 10k box dollars.
- Congratulations Bonjoben Bow with Infinity and Mendingm Reuseable SafariNet egg, and 5k claim blocks.
- Congratulations LemonsFlower Fortune 4 netherite pickaxe, 2 mending books, and 3k claim blocks.
January 2021 News
LemonsFlower,Oemidin,LiottaDaMess – RockHound
thurley and Leiath – Diamond.
Really appreciate everyone supporting the server!
Big News
The modded server is updated from 1.10 to 1.16.4
Direwolf FTB pack is up and running on the Box Of Rocks Modded server.
If you wish to play on this whitelisted server, make sure in-game to do webpassword to have access to the forums. Then go to and select
“How to play on our modded server” and submit your application. Once accepted you will receive all the information you need.
The server is allocated for 4 players at a time so please do not camp out. Be considerate of redstone use or any other lag created issues that affect other players.
Just a reminder that when 1.17 comes out it will take approximately 2 months for all of our plugins to be updated. That is based on all previous
updates taking about that long for everyone to get all the plugins up to date and work out bugs.
We now have a #memes-and-humor channel. Get busy.
We have an #announcements channel. If you turn notifications on, you will be on top of all the latest important
information happening on the Box of Rocks. Posted will be upcoming events and when they start, new or removed plugins,
server updates, etc. Right click the #announcements channel, select notifications, select all messages.
Teleport to shops using /shop and click on the item you want to buy
Sometime this month a very large quest line will be released which upon completion will include a prestigious rank.
- Congratulations JulianGM13 4 Mending books, Reusable SafarriNet Mob Catcher Egg, 10k Claim blocks, and 25k box dollars.
- Congratulations FlibberDiGibbit Beacon and enough iron ore to make it fully charged. Plus a spawner.
- Congratulations LemonsFlower Holiday Shulker box filled with lots goodies including a spawner, claim blocks, and reusable safari net egg.
- Congratulations Oemidin New Years Shulker box FILLED with rare goodies and claim blocks!
Build competition
And the winners are:
First Place – Baldonius
Second Place – Bonjoben
Congratulations! They turned out great!!!
The theme this month is “landscapes/terrain design”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot.
Competition will start the 16th of January at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 23th of January at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 25th of January. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
Player Build of the Month
Player Build winner this month is iLightArg December 2020 Player Build of the month
Remember Player build of the month is not a competition. Staff goes around every month and chooses a player build to feature. If you don’t win one month just be patient, you will at some point. Just keep beautifying your build in the mean time.
Top Voter of the month
Baldi! You won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn. Thank you so much for making it a priority to vote!
Top McMMO level for the month
Baldonius! Congratulations yet again! You have won $9,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
December 2020 News
Thank you Kitsune_Sheep and Bonjoben for supporting the server! Donations help keep the server going.
From the desk of Red
I would very much like to have your input via Discord in the #suggestion channel on the 1.17 Minecraft caves and cliffs update for our server.
I personally do not like map resets. Our world was originally set with a 20k border for a reason. To expand a little bit more map with each major update. When we lost our hard drive a few months ago with that we lost our world border. It then became a 35k border due to players having gone out further. Now here we are with a major update and it affects us all.
I would like our map to have all of the benefits of this update. I also hate when I play on a server and after months of building, they spring on the players a map reset. If I go into it knowing that is what a server plans to do and I play there I have no issue.
Other players prefer map resets and have said that they will come back after I do a map reset. Everyone has a different playing style and requirements.
So here is where I want your input. Do you want a map reset or not? Do you simply want a mining world to view and get the new blocks and items while getting your resources?
What I would like to propose is that we do an update with a fresh map. Reap the benefits of the new look and all the new content with no plans any time soon doing this again. If you are a player who likes a fresh start then no issue.
If we decide to go this route and you are horrified by the hours spent playing and investing in your builds I think I can accommodate that. I am willing to copy and paste your build/builds to the same location as they were before and relocate those outside of our initial 20k border. I will slap a new 20k border back into place for future major updates. Will there be unforeseen challenges? Sure but I think they can all be overcome.
Please take the time on the #suggestions channel to share your thoughts and ideas!
- We have a Discord #announcements channel. If you turn notifications on, you will be on top of all the latest important information happening on the Box of Rocks. Posted will be upcoming events and when they start, new or removed plugins, server updates, etc. Right click the #announcements channel, select notifications, select all messages.
- When 1.17 comes out it will take approximately 2 months for all of our plugins to be updated. That is based on all previous updates taking about that long for everyone to get all the plugins up to date and work out bugs.
- Teleport to shops using /shop and click on the item you want to buy
During the whole month of December Christmas village will be open. Make sure to visit daily as there is an Advent calendar, lots of hidden loot chests, goodies, and a holiday quest. Use /help and select quests or go to Santas workshop.
Spawn has been decorated for Christmas. Everyday look for Santa’s sleigh around there and loot his chest. He will be in a new location every day.
We will be doing a secret santa this month. More details on that coming soon.
Voting Rewards
Voting rewards has been updated with more rewards. Cumulative rewards and daily, weekly, and monthly top voter rewards.
Congratulations @ ReznikTracy / Souda! Spawner, SafarriNet Mob Catcher Egg, and deep storage unit!
Congratulations @ AuntieIzzy! Fortune “4” netherite pickaxe, 10k claim blocks and 4 deep storage chests!
Congratulations @ Brad_Ender1 Thanksgiving Shulker box with Lots of goodies.
Build competition
And the winners are:
First Place – Leiath 
Second Place – Awesome 
Third Place – Error 
Leiaths build will be relocated to Christmas Village for all to enjoy this month.
Congratulations! All the builds turned out good and enjoyable to go through and look at.
The theme this month is “Space Station”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot.
Competition will start the 19th of December at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 26th of December at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 28th of December. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
Player Build of the Month November Player Build of the Month
Player Build winner this month is Loudskins Video Coming SOON!
Remember Player build of the month is not a competition. Staff goes around every month and chooses a player build to feature. So If you don’t win one month just be patient, you will at some point. Just keep beautifying your build in the mean time.
Top Voter of the month
Again AunitIzzy! For your cummulative win, you won $15,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn. This really does help the server out so much and we can’t thank you enough!!!
Top McMMO level for the month
Baldonius! Congratulations again! You have won $6,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
November 2020 News
Selfless Donation comes from Nobody AGAIN. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Donations help keep the server going.
Having an @everyone is handy to keep everyone notified and updated. However to some it can be annoying. So we now have an #announcements channel.
Make sure to turn notifications on so you will always be on top of all the latest important
information happening on the Box of Rocks. Right click the #announcements channel, select notifications, select all messages. Information like upcoming events and when they start, new or removed plugins, server updates, etc. will be on there.
Congratulations GayRightsKokichi! You won the Spawner!
Congratulations Baldonius! You won the 2 reusable SafarriNet Mob Catcher Eggs!
Congratulations Leiath! You won the Fortune “4” netherite pickaxe!
New Features
There is a new warp to a nether wither head farm. Baldonius put it together for us with a Wither killing station below it in the center. Place your soul sand and skulls sideways and watch out.
Build Competition
October winner – Flame with her visually appealing bonsai tree during last months tree house theme. Congratulations!
The theme this month is “Christmas Village”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot. Competition will start the 21th of November at US central
time 00:01 hours and will end the 28th of November at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 30th of November. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box
at spawn.
Player Build winner this month
Player Build winner this month – October 2020 Player Build of the month video
Flame won player build of the month.
Make sure to warp to it and explore the palette she worked with and what was built.
Top Voter of the month
Again AunitIzzy! For your cumulative win, you won $12,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn. This really does help the server out so much and we can’t thank you enough!!!
Top McMMO level for the month
Baldonius! Congratulations! You have won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
October 2020 News
08awesome99 graciously donated and received the Diamond donator rank. Thank you awesome! Donations help keep the server going.
Your two favorite builders have been busy and working hard creating us a Halloween island to celebrate Halloween. It will be open the month of October starting the second week of the month. Make sure to visit often as there are loot chests, goodies, and a holiday quest.
Reminder to visit BoneySlim on the bridge entering pirates harbour.
Halloween Island will be opening soon with a new quest available.
MrT1melord won 20k claim blocks
XxCOOKIE7xX won a spawner
Discord user name Fidgey won the Infinity and Mending bow, reusable SafarriNet egg and 16.3 claim blocks.
New Plugins
Inventory package has been added for creative mode build competitions.
We updated in September to 1.16.3 with no issues.
Build competition
September winner – We had a tie. Shdoza and FlibberDiGibbit won the cave design competition done all in survival. Congratulations!
The theme this month is “Tree House”. Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot. Competition will start the 17th of October at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 24th of October at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules. Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 26th of October. Place your signed book and quill vote in the suggestion box
at spawn.
Player Build winner this month September Player Build of the month
baldi won player build of the month. However due to technical difficulty with mods and 1.16.3 the featured video is put on hold. Please use the warp however to go explore the wonderful, magical creations of his work. Rather large so make sure to look around.
Top Voter of the month
And yet again – AunitIzzy! For your cumulative win, you won $12,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Top McMMO level for the month
AunitIzzy again and again and again! Congratulations! For your fourth cumulative win you have won $15,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
September 2020 News
Please welcome baldonius formerly nichbal and Leiath as our two new architects. Together they have already this month created a visually appealing and immersive Pirates Harbour just off of the shopping district. Make sure to check it out.
Nobody who has been doing a great job is now SeniorModerator.
At Pirate Harbour is a new involved quest that you can start by visiting BoneySlim on the bridge entering Pirates Harbour. Completion date of that quest is set for the 31st of August however it may be a few days later so check back.
Jerbius won the 1.16 Motherload Giveaway – Shulker box full of too many things to list.
toto16913 won 5 deep storage chests
Trix won the Pirates Bounty – Shulker box full of contraband and treasure.
New Plugins
Deep Storage Chests have been added. They hold infinite storage of one item. Great for cobblestone, farms, etc. They can be purchased in the new server shop located near the Grotto.
Removed Plugins
Dragon Slayer has been removed in favor of Deep Storage units and Hopper Filters.
Known Issues
/spawn is taking far too long to teleport and still waiting on the developer to fix.
The work around is to type /warp spawn which seems to be a bit quicker.
/answer Trivia – When answering and you guess correct but another player already beat you, the chat dialog says wrong answer.
Developer has been made aware.
The plan is to update to 1.16.2 asap but only after more bugs are fixed in the latest builds. We are currently testing on the test server.
Quest Update
The Fisherman quest was changed! He was designed for players who fished and he paid handsomely. However with the numerous guardian farms on the server he has been used as an exploit so unfortunately this had to be changed.
Events – Build competitions Resuming this month
We have been waiting on an inventory package to update before bringing back building competitions.
No more waiting. September we will be resuming the competition. It will be done all in survival. So plan your build and start gathering the resources. The theme this month is “Cave Designs”.
Use /warp – Select BuildCompetition and go get your free plot.
The Competition will start the 19th of September at US central time 00:01 hours and will end the 26th of September at 23:59 hours.
Building competition rules: Do not copy a build from the internet. No use of any mods.
The competition will be judged by players and staff. Make sure to have your vote in no later than the 28th of September. Place your vote in the suggestion box at spawn.
Player Build of the month – August Player Build of the month
This month is different from the rest. Instead of selecting a player build we choose to feature a project for the server. The player responsible for building the staff /donator area under spawn is Leiath. She did an excellent job and everyone needs to use the elevator at spawn to go down and view the creativity used in the area.
Top Voter of the month
Again AunitIzzy! For your cumulative win, you won $6,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Top McMMO level for the month
AunitIzzy again! Congratulations! For your third cumulative win you have won $9,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
AunitIzzy thank you for letting us know that McMMO sword values with the 1.16 zombified piglins were OP. It is players like you who make the server better. Thank you. You have been given a reusable SafarriNet egg for your help and honesty.
August 2020 News
Introducing MrT1melord. He is not new to this community he’s just been in another timeline. You may credit him with such things as our website, builds that you frequent like the nether portal, and so so much more. Behind the scenes always problem solving and fixing. He has traveled back to us and it is a pleasure to see him in-game playing and helping.
Box of Rocks is now 1.16
Land Claiming is now allowed in the Nether and End.
There is a Mining Nether world to tear up and is reset monthly. Make sure to remind new players to not tear up the land claim Nether.
In the world, the world border is now 35k , nether is 4375k. Mining world and mining nether are 3k and will be reset monthly.
Server Shop buys Netherrack.
New Plugins
FastLeafDecay – Speaks for itself.
HopperFilters – Speaks for itself also but use this link on how to set-up. Hopper Filters Wiki
Voting plugin – We now have vote parties and a vote shop using player points. Use /menu – select Voting.
LuckPerms – Permissions and Ranking issues are resolved.
Make sure to do /discord link in-game to link your Minecraft account with the Discord server. By doing so you will automatically be awarded 3,000 claim blocks.
We are switching to a new ticket system. Submit any issues, problems, exploits, possible bugs by creating a ticket on Discord in the #support channel by reacting with the bot. Then move to your ticket in the #open tickets channel and describe the issue. This will be a very useful tool for all of us!
Finnie won the 4th of July Assortment package.
Finnie won 3000 claim blocks
Leiath won the COVID-19 SPECIAL – Shulker box of potions
justworm won the 1.16 Starter Pack
Bye bye BuyCraft
Thanks to MrT1melord for getting a donation system in place on our website. We now are able to handle our own donations without having to use a 3rd party system. Who is going to be the first to take it for a ride?
Known issues
1.16 Broke the loot keys. Developer has been made aware.
Armour stands – Armour stands do not have a gravity drop. So we adjusted/fixed that. The result… CootPanda’s armour stands becoming possessed and were shifting along the floor. The result? – Setting back to Armour stands that do not have a gravity drop.
/spawn is taking far too long to teleport and still waiting on the developer to fix.
The work around is to type /warp spawn which seems to be a bit quicker.
/answer Trivia – When answering and you guess correct but another player already beat you, the chat dialog says wrong answer. Developer has been made aware.
Player Build of the month – July Player Build of the month
Congratulations Shdoza! You have won a bragging rights status at spawn, a video of your build posted on YouTube, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a server warp for this month to your build so players can view it.
Top Voter of the month
AunitIzzy! You won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Top McMMO level for the month
AunitIzzy again! Congratulations! You have won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
July 2020 News
We will be celebrating the 4th of July on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of this month. There will be fireworks displays, prizes, and loot.
Deal or NoDeal – Error_100 won $250,200.
Voetbeller2016 – 3,000 claim blocks
LittleMissLillyJ (Toad) won mending/infinity bow
Staff Armor – AuniteIzzy
Beacon – GayRightsKyoko
Spawner – GayRightsChiaki
Infinity/Mending bow – GayRightsChiaki
Server logo map – nichbal
Reusable SafariNet – GayRightsChiaki
Player Build of the month – June Player Build Winners
Congratulations Error_100, AuntieIzzy, iwillmameyou, Finnie, danieldoodle! You have won bragging rights status at spawn, a video of your build posted on YouTube, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a server warp for this month to your build so players can view it.
Top Voter of the month
Shdoza! You won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Top McMMO level for the month
FlibberDiGibbit congratulations again! You also have won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Danieldoodle – Thank you for being so forthright and letting us know that your experience level after a game of spleef had increased more than 250 levels. You could have been quiet about it but you immediately said something. This allowed three things to happen. We were able to shut down the game so we did not have all kinds of players with messed up levels. The developer was notified and very appreciative to be made aware of the problem and is working on a fix. And lastly you have shown to be very ethical and full of integrity!!! For that you received a reward of a reusable SafariNet and have the owner and all of staffs respect now and in all future dealings. Thank you!
This months donators we thank you very much!
Diamond Rank – Error_100 and nichbal,
CoalMiner Rank – iwillmameyou
RockHound Rank – danieldoodle
GoldDigger Rank – Leiath
Where donation money goes, as expected:
The monthly fees of our dedicated server, Plugins, The website and domain, buycraft monthy fees, Paypal of course eats a percentage, Additional fees like Premium Mee6 Discord Server, and licenses like Multicraft for example.
Known issues
/spawn – After updating the server and updating to the latest version of Spigot-paper we were forced to update our warp/rtp plugin. When you type /spawn it is taking far too long to teleport to spawn. The developer is aware and will fix but it does not seem it is going to happen over night. The work around at the moment is to type /warp spawn which seems to be a bit quicker.
/answer Trivia – When answering and you guess correct but another player already beat you, the chat dialog says wrong answer. Developer has been made aware.
Fixed issues
/fly – When logging off in fly mode players did not have fly when they logged back in.
This has been fixed.
1.16 Update
A good sixth of our plugins are already updated. Still predicting it will be approximately 2 months after the release of 1.16 before we will update the server.
June 2020 News
This June is the Birthday of the server. Started in June 2016. There will be a celebration.
Please welcome Kinnean as our newest Architect. We are so excited to have your talent contributing to the builds on the server.
First project is an area off of spawn that will house our 4th of July celebrations.
New Server
We’ve upgraded our dedicated server from 32 gig to now 64gb, updated processors and SSD harddrives.
Big huge shout out to Giselbaer for making this happen for us all!!!
Discord Giveaways
Kinnean – NetherStar and 1000 claim blocks
Trixies – 1000 claim blocks
justworm – Bow with mending AND infinity
GayRightsKyoko – Reusable SafariNet Egg
Player Build of the month – May Player Build of the Month
Congratulations Flame! You have won a bragging righs status at spawn, a video of your build posted on YouTube, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a server warp for this month to your build so players can view it.
Top Voter and McMMO level of the month
FlibberDiGibbit! You won $6,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statues at spawn.
Plugins added
JobsReborn – We now have jobs. New players can start holding a job immediately. As you rank up can have two jobs.
The default jobs at this time are Hunter-Farmer-Enchanter-Explorer-Woodcutter-Miner-Builder-Digger-Crafter-Fisherman-Weaponsmith-Brewer.
Within each job are quests accessed by typing /jobs quests.
Plugins removed
NoCheatsPlus, CompatNoCheats, ClearLagg. At this time we have chosen to remove some of the cheat plugins. Hopefully we can continue to run this way.
Mining World
We are using a new seed this month. It has every biome we need in close range of spawn. It also stays daytime in that world.
A very in depth, challenging, fun, and heavy duty quest line is in progress. Will take several months to completion. Will have a custom world, items, and bosses.
New questor has been added – Zombert to collect bones to make necklaces to ward off attacks and neck bites.
He awards you with 8, 4, or 1 stack of bones at a time.
All suggestions are welcomed and wanted. There is now also a discord channel #suggestions. Please feel free to share ideas, thoughts, feedback, suggestions, and even quest ideas.
There was a recent suggestion for a live map. For the last several years we have run a live map and had it live on our website. With the 1.15.2 updated we chose to not continue doing so. #1 reason is we left Dynmap for mapcrafter as it was easier on resources but now they have not updated their plugin. We would need to go back to using Dynmap and it is a great tool although resource hungry. We found that not too many players were actually using the live map either. So until such time as we have an abundance of requests for it again we will wait.
If you also like playing modded, we have a whitelisted modded server. Details can be found here –
Currently it is in 1.10. There is a new pack being assembled now for 1.12 which will most likely update in a couple of months.
May 2020 News
Welcome all the new players that joined us in April we are so glad to have you join this community.
Donators you are so appreciated for contributing to the server. Special thank you to Aprils donators!
Shdoza, FlibberDiGibbit, Leiath, Flamegirl43, BrittusMarius, xXxRedstonerxXx, CrunchyMummy,
and White_Dragon20. Periodically in the post office below spawn you may collect additional collector heads.
Please welcome Nobody413 our newest moderator. Always helpful, very knowledgeable, pleasant, and kind.
Player shops
Additional shops in the grotto have been opened and are available for rent. Make sure if you have been
considering a shop to get one while you can. Thank you loudskins for providing us all such a nice atmosphere
to shop in. Your Grotto build and expansion are beautiful.
Player build of the month – April Player Build of the month on YouTube
Incredibly hard to judge this month! And this months selection is a little unusual in that there are 3 players who have been working together creating a magical well thought out village. Congratulations xXxRedstoner, cootpanda, and woonaluna! You all have won a bragging rights status at spawn, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a server warp to run during this month to your build so players can view it.
Player builds are similar to a homeowners association who might pick the best front yard for the month. That is what player build of the month is. Staff at the end of the month, goes around and chooses an attractive, functional, technical, or any type of build. This community has many strong players with lots of skills so it makes it very difficult to decide on one.
Again since the voting was very difficult this month please know your builds will still be considered for future Player of the Month as this is not a competition but rather on ongoing admiration and tribute to players’ endeavors and talents.
Top Voter of the month
BrittusMarius! Thank you for your support. You won $3,000 box dollars and a bragging rights statue at spawn.
Top McMMO level for the month
GayRightKyoko formerly known as birdjar. This makes 2 months in a row you grinder. Congratulations! You also have won $3,000 box dollars and your statue continues to stay up at spawn.
Discord giveaway winners
Trixies13 won an enchantment table
loudskins won a mending book and 1000 bonus claim blocks
CrunchyMummy won 1000 claim blocks
BrittusMarius won 1000 claim blocks
The more players who react to the bot – the more giveaways we can have.
NPCs and Questing
More quests, simple and involved, fun and challenging, and a great way to earn more money will still be rolling out this month.
All the NPC’s are located at spawn.
We would like to hear from you via the suggestion box at spawn NPC ideas. A brief or long story line, what items you’d like to barter, sell,
or win. Kinnean, thank you for the gunpowder idea last month.
New staff area and donator post office
At spawn, use the elevator down and stop by and say hi to staff if they happen to be in. We’ve all had fun decorating our offices.
Just a reminder that when 1.16 comes out it will take approximately 2 months for all of our plugins to be updated. That is based on all previous
updates taking about that long for everyone to get all the plugins up to date and work out bugs.
Suggestion box
There is a suggestion box at spawn and a mailbox at Red’s office. We really do want to hear your thoughts. If you have a notion, idea, or any thought
please do write it in a book and drop it off. If you would rather, you can always email
April 2020 News

Easter Island
I’d like to welcome all the new players that joined Box of Rocks in March and a special thank you to PandoraCode, Nobody413, TheAlbinoDino, and Phonmia for donating to the server. We thank you!!! Please feel free to donate any amount to help maintain the server. In-game type /buy or use the menu with /help.
Now available – A wiki full of all the Box of Rocks information. From FAQ to McMMO commands and everything in between.
Themed nights schedule:
Mondays: Villager Conversion Night – Server will be in hard mode to ensure 100% Villager conversion. Central time 4pm – 12pm.
Tuesdays: Trivia Events
Wednesdays: McMMO Double XP Event. Central time 4pm – 12pm.
Thursdays: Grief Town Event. Get the materials from the town by destroying the builds. Find the loot chests.
Fridays: Drop Party.
Saturdays: Mob Kill Event.
Sundays: Deal or NoDeal Event.
PlayerShops are doing great. Make sure and rent a shop today before they are all gone!
There is a new gui menu for all your needs. Access by typing /help.
Player commands – New
/boxmoney – How to make money.
Player Build of the month – March Player build of the month
Congratulations PandoraCode! Well done. You have won a statue at spawn, a picture on the website of Featured Builds, four stacks of your favorite building block, $3,000 box dollars, a tree of your choice from the warehouse, and a warp this month to your build so players can view.
Top Voter of the month: Trixies13. Congratulations and Thank you! This is how the server gets exposure and grows.
Top McMMO level for the month: Congratulations birdjar!
Server Features:
Free fly
Sleep Voting
Dragon Slayer
Discord with music channel
Grief Prevention
Loot Rewards
Mining World
This month we are promoting the use of our Discord Server.
Events will be held in the #minecraft-discord channel. There will be giveaways in the #giveaway channel. You need to react to enter to win! There is a #Music channel. To start you will want to link your Minecraft account to our Discord server by typing in game /discord link. You will receive a code that you need to PM the box-a-chat bot with. At that time you will be given a minecraft-verified account. After 5xp you can level up your rank to player. For the music channel do <!help music> to display the list of commands available to you.
Many players ask how can I make money or do you have jobs? This month will roll out several jobs for players who can select them from NPC’s. There are also 4 questors to choose from and growing. Coming soon – a daily questor.
Players may purchase a spawner to put where they want. The type can be changed out with mob capture eggs. Easy Peasy.
Easter Eggs at spawn
There are 3 Easter Eggs at spawn moved daily. They contain loot, money, and experience.
Easter Island Event
Sunday the 12th of April will be a special Easter egg hunt with lots of goodies!!!
There is a Nether Portal and an End Portal at spawn. Clearly marked. They have an archway labeled Portals and the builds are decorated accordingly.
As we approach 1.16 we plan to update approximately 2 months after the release as we allow time for developers to update their plugins.
We always want to hear your suggestions! You can drop a book at Spawn in the suggestion box or email
March 2020 News
Box of Rocks 1.15.2 is running with a new map to render all the updated blocks.
There are a few new plugins like sleep vote and dragon slayer. Helpful for evading Phantoms and bragging rights.
There is something for everyone with themed nights and an upcoming Easter egg hunt on Sunday the 12th of April.
Player shops are in full swing set in a quaint shopping district.
As we approach 1.16 we plan to update approximately 2 months after the release as we allow time for developers to update their plugins.
There are now Easter eggs hidden around spawn with loot, xp, and box dollars.
And Lastly there is a Mining world that is reset monthly. So feel free to tear it up and save the overworld.