Shopping District and Shops

Twenty player shops set in a comfortable relaxing atmosphere and an underground grotto. One shop per player.  Players can customize the inside.

Shop chests may only be used in player shops!

To make a  shop chest:

  • Put down a chest
  • Place a sign on the chest and type:




  • Click the sign with the item you want to sell
  • Stock your chest

Shop Commands:

/as me – Display a list of  your rented shop and ones added as friend

/as tp <yourshopID> – Teleport to a region shop

/as settp <yourshopID> – Set the teleport location for your rented region to your current position.

/as find rent – Finds and  teleports you to shops available for rent

/as addfriend <name> – Add a friend to your shop

/as delfriend <name> – Delete a friend from your shop


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